Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas2014 Part I : A Visit from Jeremy and Company

My mama's heart was happy when Jeremy and his buddies finally were able to make a trip up here.  They even managed to come on a special occasion, the weekend of the children's Christmas service at church.  Besides seeing my son and his people who have become our people, I was looking forward to getting a family picture.  The last time we were all together was before Louisa left for Italy.  But we ended up with a passel of sick little ones, so no family picture was forthcoming.  There will be another chance another day.

Jeremy, does not drive, so he's always dependent upon the good graces of others.  This time Peter drove.  Peter and Jeremy went to high school together.  They also shared an apartment outside of Thief River Falls the year after they graduated, so we got to know Peter well at that time.  He feels like one of my children.  Peter's family goes way back with Joe's family.  Peter's late mother, Ellen, was in Joe's graduating class; Ellen's brother, Jon, was one of Joe's late brother's best friends.  Jon's son, Tim also lives with the guys in Mankato; and Jon's daughter Elisa lives elsewhere in Mankato, and so is also one of the gang. 

Jesse also came along this trip.  Jesse attended the charter school with Jeremy and Peter, too.  Jesse lives in Rochester, but frequents the Mankato house.  I've met Jesse on several occasions.   He is also beginning to feel like one of my kids. 

A highlight of this trip was meeting Jeremy's girlfriend, Annie.  Annie works with Jeremy.  She does not share the house with them, but it is probable she does frequent it.  We like Annie.  She seems like a sweet and quiet girl.  But perhaps that's just because we are so loud. 

Jeremy and company arrived around midnight on Saturday night and left after the program on Sunday.  So it was a very quick visit.  But we totally loved having them here.  You are welcome any, any, any time.

Elsie, Louisa, Annie, John, Peter, Donna, Jesse, Stella, Jeremy

Elsie, Annie, Louisa, John, Peter, Donna, Jesse, Stella, Jeremy

Our Christmas dinner

And another dinner shot

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