Sunday, April 20, 2008

Learn Something Every Day

I read once about a family in which the children were expected to learn something every day. (Was this perhaps in Cheaper by the Dozen?) Each day at supper they had to report to the father what they had learned. I have often thought this would be a fun way of generating discussion at the dinner table. But alas, having too quiet a supper table is not usually our problem.

Well I learned something new, and I think fun, today. I learned what a Clerihew is. I won't explain it any better than the given link, so you will just have to follow that to find out what a Clerihew is.

Here is my humble attempt.
A lifeguard who was called Ronald Reagan
When the water was fine put his leg in.
Was a fine sportscaster;
Told of football disaster.
Or how about...
Annie Oakley was a fine shot.
She hit the target on the dot.
Not like a certain DEA guy;
He hit his toe and not his eye.
It is not easy. You can probably do better. Please send me some of your attempts. I'd enjoy reading them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, here's my feeble attempt:

The star of Green Bay, Brett Favre,
Many football records he did carve.
But, alas, one day he retired.
Is excitement expired?

Or this one:

Good Fred Rogers
The nicest of all the old codgers.
He'd make us feel better,
Then put away his sweater.

Not quite sure if I have it down, but it was fun.