Monday, October 24, 2011

Thank you to a Faithful Reader

First I want to thank a blog reader who I know a bit personally, but not well.  Thank you, Corella, for sending me the Teresa Bloomingdale address.  It tickled my fancy, and I was able to nod my head and laugh at many spots.

As a blogger, it's always fun to meet someone who reads my blog.  And if that person has little or no connection to myself, its kind of a bonus.  I expect my family and friends to read occasionally, if for no other reason than to find out what's up with Mary and Joe.  But it pleases me in a special way to be able to write things that please strangers or near strangers.

Corella is the daughter of a sainted woman to whom Joe served as pastor in Oakland Park nursing home for the first several years we lived here.  I don't believe I ever met her, but enjoyed getting the photo greeting cards her family periodically sent out; and I've enjoyed meeting her family at a variety of community occasions.

Corella has commented that she enjoys reading the things I write about the area and community in which she was raised.  I fear I've not been doing a very good job of that lately.  I looked back with chagrin the other day at the slim number of posts I've actually gotten done in the last several months.

Thank you, Corella, for bringing a smile to my face.  How thoughtful of you to take the time to pop that address in the mail for me!

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