Monday, March 28, 2011

Finally on to Week 4 Day One

I started out my day today with just over 10 minutes on the Gazelle.

I didn't write down any stats this morning, but the general gist of my couch to 5K was
  • 5 minute warm up walk
  • 3 minute run
  • 90 second walk
  • 5 minute run
  • 3 minute walk
  • 3 minute run
  • 90 second walk
  • 5 minute run
  • 5 minute cool down walk
I made it.  Even with this trumpeting head cold full of congestion I have picked up somewhere. 

I walked at 2.9-3.1 mph.  I jogged at 3.9-4.0 mph.  It took me just a few second shy of 30 minutes.

I was very tired at the end of my jogging, so I had to slow down a bit more for the last minute. but I kept going.  There are times a stubborn temper is useful.  I suppose I could call that tenacity, but mostly it's just good old fashioned stubbornness.  It's something I've worked hard to curb;I must confess, however, that it still often sneaks out.  Just ask my kids (or my dear husband?). 

But when necessary, I can summon my vast reserve of bullheaded-ness up to get me over the hard spots of life, whether a difficult path the Lord has asked me to walk; or a difficult path of my own devising, such as this whole running thing.

Although I was a bit fearful going into the week, I'm optimistic today.  I think I can do it.  And if I have to do this same level for two weeks, what's it matter in the big scheme of things.

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